See & Be Radiant

Rev. Tayler Necoechea

No matter how dark things are, God is light beyond light, and no darkness can overcome it. That light is here in the person of Jesus, in the true light of the world. As we look to this light, we see God’s glory, and we too radiate with the love and hope with which it shines.


January 5, 2025 | Star Word Sunday

Created for God's Glory

Rev. Tayler Necoechea

God proclaims to the community in exile that they are loved, precious, and created for glory. These words of grace counteracted the words of the Babylonians, who despised them and made them forget their belovedness. 

As we remember our baptisms we too can remember God’s abundant love for us– a grace that was ours before we even knew it! 


January 12, 2025

Stand Firm in Faith

Rev. Tayler Necoechea

In the face of earth-shaking crisis, how do we stand firm in faith? God (and the prophets) continue to give us signs of God’s faithfulness, and hope. 

For the people of Isaiah’s day, messianic hope was a seed being planted. Today, we cling close to Emmanuel, Jesus, God with us. 


January 19, 2025

Shocking and Amazing

Rev. Tayler Necoechea

Though the ancient city of Jerusalem was once seen as unshakable, Isaiah laments the destruction of the great city. 

But this is not the end of this story! God promises to intervene and challenges the religious to expect God to do something “shocking and amazing”. 


January 26, 2025