With Christ as our example, we strive to be a place that welcomes and celebrates our diversity.
Therefore, we welcome ALL people into full participation:
People of all sexual orientations, we welcome you.
People of all gender identities, we welcome you.
People of every race and ethnicity, we welcome you.
Immigrants from every nation on earth regardless of your status, we welcome you.
People of every economic status, we welcome you.
If you are single, married, widowed or divorced, with or without children, we welcome you.
From newborn babies to the elderly and everyone in between, we welcome you.
People of all physical and mental abilities, we welcome you.
People of all political parties, whether you agree or disagree with one another, we welcome you.
Wherever you are on your faith journey, we welcome you.
Whatever your burdens, joys, and gifts, we welcome you.
Each and every person is a precious child of God. Each is welcome in this beloved Community.
God loves you and so do we!
Have kids? Wonderful! We LOVE kids! On our Princeton campus, we provide a nursery for children two years and below from 9:30 am-11:30 am. We also provide children's ministry during worship for PreK-8th grade. Our Kingston campus welcomes children to fully participate throughout the worship service! To read more about our awesome children's ministry, click the button below!
Have questions? We have the answers!
Princeton UMC is located at Nassau and Vandeventer, right in the heart of downtown Princeton, across from the Princeton University campus. We also have an online campus that you can join by clicking here.
We worship at 10:00 am in person and on Facebook livestream/right here on our website!
The Princeton UMC location is adjacent to a Princeton Township parking lot, which is free on Sundays until 1:00 pm. Additional parking can be found on the streets in the surrounding neighborhood. There is a reserved spot for people with accessibility needs located in the parking lot adjacent to the building and on Nassau Street directly in front of the church building.
During worship services, we provide nursery care for 0–2-year-olds and Compassion Camp Sunday School for three years and up. Middle schoolers also meet the first Sunday of the month for Bible study and breakfast at 9 am.
We are mindful of John Wesley's charge to "Do no harm." Masking is currently optional, though we do ask that all continue to be mindful of the health needs and concerns of one another in the community. At PUMC, you will find people wearing masks and people not wearing masks. Please refer to the current CDC guidelines if you are having symptoms or have been exposed to someone with COVID-19.
Yes! We have accessible entrances. At Princeton UMC, there are doors just to the left of the main entrance, which offer access to the Sanctuary and Chapel, as well as the entire upper level. There is also a set of double red doors, just off of the parking lot in the rear, which offers access to the bottom level. We also have an elevator to move between floors, once inside.
People at Princeton UMC dress of all accords. Some wear casual clothes, some come dress in 'Sunday Best.' Most dress in business casual. We hope when you come, you wear what you're comfortable in and come as you are!
Our service includes sacred music, with an organist, handbell choir, and chancel choirs for all ages. Professional, classically trained musicians, often come to offer guest performances.
Service typically last 60-75 minutes. it includes a variety of prayers, liturgy, scripture, and a sermon. We all celebrate Holy Communion on the first week of the month.
A great place to get plugged into our church is through our Newcomers Group, which is offered several times throughout the year. Reach out to to learn when the next group begins.
Princeton UMC offers a variety of small groups, a testament to our diversity in spirituality types and places we are along our discipleship pathway. Reach out to Pastor Tayler to find a small group for you to call home.
From serving meals in our weekly meal ministry to distributing diapers to new moms in need, to mission trips to Puerto Rico, we are active in serving our community. Find out how you can be the hands and feet of Christ with us by connecting with Pastor Tayler today.
Several times a year, we host a Newcomers Group for people who are new to us and wanting to learn more. Oftentimes, people will choose to join the church at the conclusion of this five-week hybrid course.
Baptisms can be done at any age in our UMC tradition, marking the beginning of a life-long process of growing in God's love. For babies and child baptisms, parents and sponsors commit to take on the responsibilities of nurturing their child to grow in their faith and love toward God and neighbor.
For more information about joining the church and/or baptisms, contact our office today!
7 Vandeventer, Princeton, NJ 08542
SUNDAYS at 10:00 am
Traditional service in a gothic building with elaborate stained glass windows.
Most attendees will dress in business casual, but you are welcome to come as you are.
Clergy and choir wear robes.
Organist and chancel choir lead worship music.
In-person or online via Facebook or here on our website.
The average in-person attendance is 50 and online is 75.
Ongoing Formation and Community
Accessible 24/7
Whether you're in New Jersey or New Zealand, this campus is accessible to all. If houses small groups & tools to equip and minister.
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