Discover the ways God's grace is alive in your midst through this worship series based on the popular hymn, "Amazing Grace."
Amazing Grace!
The resurrection is the confirmation of the breadth and depth of God’s love and grace for all the world - this love that is powerful enough to conquer death and to restore all to right relationship (with God, others, self, and creation). This, indeed, is Amazing Grace.
John 20:1-18
Rev. Jenny Smith Walz, Princeton
Rev. Skitch Matson, Kingston
Now I See
Grace is God’s love for us, God’s unmerited favor, the most powerful, transformative power in the universe. God’s prevenient grace tends to us; awakens us to our sin, our need for God, and our desire to please God; and attunes us to God and our belovedness.
Luke 15:11-32
Rev. Jenny Smith Walz, Princeton
Rev. Skitch Matson, Kingston
The Hour I First Believed
Though all have sinned and fallen short of God’s glory, God’s powerful and precious grace unites us and frees us into relationship with God and each other–
from the very beginning
of our Christian journeys.
Romans 3:21-26
Rev. Jenny Smith Walz, Princeton
Rev. Skitch Matson, Kingston
Through Many Dangers, Toils, and Snares
God’s grace brings safety to our hearts and minds, but not to make us safe. Rather, it compels us to speak out and live differently, trusting that the Holy Spirit will guide us through the dangers, toils, and snares, to lead us home–even if that “home” isn’t what we expect it to look like.
Acts 9:1-31
Youth of Princeton UMC, Princeton
Rev. Tayler Necoechea, Kingston
The Lord Has Promised Good
God’s amazing sanctifying grace re-creates us, restoring us to the image of God, rooting out sin, bringing about reconciliation and salvation, perfecting us in love. And this is good, very very good.
2 Cor 5:14-6:2; Psalm 73:21-26
Rev. Jenny Smith Walz, Princeton
Rev. Skitch Matson, Kingston
Mortal Life Shall Cease
God’s grace working in our lives on earth helps us accept that death is but a transition from this life to the next, releasing us from fear and allowing us to accept joy and peace in this life.
Philippians 1:1-7, 20-26
Rev. Skitch Matson, Kingston
Sing God's Praise
God’s sanctifying grace
invites us into a loud,
joy-filled response.
Psalm 47
Rev. Jenny Smith Walz, Princeton
Rev. Skitch Matson, Kingston