Arise, Shine!
The gifts of Epiphany are many, and today we are particularly invited to receive and unwrap the gifts of revelation, joy, and wonder (or curiosity!).
Isaiah 6:1-6
Matthew 2:1-12
Rev. Jenny Smith Walz, Princeton
Rev. Skitch Matson, Kingston
Water and Spirit
Baptism invites us to step into the Divine mystery, as we experience a relationship with God for ourselves, and are united with others.
Matthew 3:13-17
Rev. Jenny Smith Walz, Princeton
Sent to Whom?
Through the guidance of the Spirit, we are sent to proclaim God’s love to people that others may never want us—or anyone—to visit, subverting the norms of the day.
Luke 4:14-30
Rev. Jenny Smith Walz, Princeton
Rev. Skitch Matson, Kingston
Turn to Curiosity
Conflict abounds in our world, and in that of Jesus. The authorities who criticized Jesus often asked questions, and Jesus often answered them (often with more questions). What would have happened if the authorities had asked with actual curiosity and openness, rather than to have their certainties confirmed?
Mark 2:1-17
Rev. Jenny Smith Walz, Princeton
Pastor Jae Hong, Kingston
Two Stories: God's Story With Us
Scripture has two creation stories right next to one another–they are metaphors for how we understand God and God’s relationship with us (love and relationships for creation, not bowing down to “God”), not for how we understand Science.
Genesis 2:4b-8, 15-17
Rev. Jenny Smith Walz, Princeton
Rev. Skitch Matson, Kingston
The Unexpected
Like when Yeast is added to flour, the Kingdom of Heaven is transformative in ways we don’t always expect. We are invited to slow down, listen, and notice.
Luke 13:20-21
Rev. Tayler Necoechea, Princeton
Rev. Tayler Nechoechea, Kingston
Dance With Doubt
For many people of faith, doubt, and even curiosity, have been shunned and shamed. But there is a lot about our faith and our God that doesn’t make a lot of sense and isn’t verifiable by science. Grounded, resilient faith relies on doubt and curiosity to deepen, strengthen, and enliven it. Doubt is not the opposite of faith, but certainty just might be.
Exodus 3:1-14, 4:1-13
Rev. Jenny Smith Walz, Princeton
Rev. Skitch Matson, Kingston
Pivot the Plan
When things seem to be fantastic, when Jesus is in our midst, are we willing to be curious about pivoting our plan so that we can follow Jesus even if it sounds different than what we’re “used” to, or “expecting” in the moment?
Mark 9:2-10
Mickey Hamilton, Princeton
Elyse Horn, Kingston