Jesus, Mary, & Martha Weep Together

Rev. Tayler Necoechea

As Jesus mourns the death of his friend Lazarus, he weeps with his other sacred companions, Mary and Martha. He is filled with sorrow from losing his friend, and watching his friends mourn the tragic loss of their brother. 

These companions set an example of what it’s like to journey with one another in this life of faith, which includes grieving together, God big questions about our losses, and reminding each other that death is not the end of God’s story. 


November 3, 2024

Knit Together

Rev. Jenny Smith Walz

As we bring new people into our church family today and renew our baptismal and membership vows, we are ever more aware that God is knitting us together as the body of Christ to share our life together, to loyally journey with one another so that we may grow together in love.


November 10, 2024

Finding Our People

Lay Leaders

As we find our people - as as we become “the people” of others - welcoming one another with wholehearted authenticity, we find that we can be more and more honest about who we are and who God has created us to be. 


November 17, 2024 | Laity Sunday

Where You Go, I'll Go

Rev. Jenny Smith Walz

After family tragedy, Naomi sends away her daughters-in-law to go home to their parents to find security and a fresh beginning. 

Ruth, however, rejects this command. Instead she makes a beautiful vow to Naomi, telling her that they will not be separated. Simply put, you are my person! And I will journey with you and remain loyal to you. 

Like Ruth and Naomi, we can claim the people in our lives who we choose to journey with, through thick and thin! 


November 24, 2024